Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Calendar Dates for July

Don't forget to get involved with the following:

1. Sponsored Walk along the Coastal path between Hannafore and Talland (and back) on Sunday 15th July, starting between 10.30 and 12.00. Contact Barry for the details

2. Charity Concert in Liskeard Public Hall, Saturday 21st July starting at 7.30 pm. John Lennon would be overjoyed to sell you tickets, £5.00 each.


I have been informed by Immediate Past President Brian that he has been asked to continue with his excellent club bulletin. Consequently this blog will be confined to informing members of changes to the calendar, reminders about forthcoming events and generally trying to improve communications within the club. Lack of information will also be reported - be warned!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007


I knew someone would try it - there is no information yet!