Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Solar Powered Lighting

The photographs show the components of the solar powered lighting system developed and made by David Rees and Dennis Udy for the Disabled Newlife Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal at a cost of about £450. The system provides for 30 LED lamps powered from a 12 volt car battery charged with two panels of solar cells measuring 300 x 450 mm. It weighs about 12 Kg and will easily fit into a suitcase to be carried as luggage. You can see a short video of the orphanage and the children on
Members of the International service Committee believe that the system has wider applications and is worthy of further research and development.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Farmer Nick's Out Cap'n Bob's In

Some of the scenes from Monday's Handover Dinner
Nick clearly hasn't lost the touch when handling spotty cows - Ooh Arr E I O!